Oct 7, 2020
until October 31
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Digital pioneers are one step ahead, especially during the crisis.
A key factor for a successful Digital Transformation is to understand current technologies and their possibilities.
This is why we enable free access to the NEXCON top Keynotes on a wide range of Smart Factory technologies until October 31. From Microsoft's Cloud Platform and Artificial Intelligence in the industrial environment to Predictive Maintenance with the help of Blockchain: dive in and get started!
Included Keynotes:
Microsoft and Siemens
Intelligent Factories Applied
Sebastian Seutter, Industry Lead Manufacturing
Dennis Zwetschke, Head of Production Engineering
Fraunhofer IPA
Open the Black Box: Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marco Huber, Head of CCI
Data-Driven Optimization of Operations
Simon Klink, Principal
Universal Machine Monitoring
Stephan Noller, CEO
Meet Your Next Colleagues: Artificial Agents
Dr. Sebastian Denef, CEO & Co-Founder
Syndikat 7
Digitalization Framework - Why Every Company Needs It
Mario Beiser, CEO & Founder
Speaker(s) / Coach(es) / Trainer(s)
Free access to top TECH Keynotes
including Microsoft, Fraunhofer and many more