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Mar 4, 2020
11:00 PM
25 minutes
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Sprecher / Trainer / Coaches

Dr. Jefferson de Oliveira Gomes

He holds a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree (2001) in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, in cooperation with RWTH-Aachen - Germany (2001). Since January 2004, he has been an ITA professor at the Center of Competence in Manufacturing - CCM. Since 2017 he has been Director of the Fraunhofer Project Center FPC @ ITA, a cooperation relationship between the Fraunhofer Society and the ITA Competence Center in Manufacturing. Since 2018 he has been a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for Future Production Project Workforce. Since January 2019 he has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Technological Research Institute of SP - IPT. He conducts research in the postgraduate (doctorate and master's degree) and in the undergraduate, being researcher by CNPq. Between August 2011 and December 2018 he worked at SENAI as Executive Manager of Technology & Innovation and Regional Director of the State of Santa Catarina. He has industrial and academic experience in Mechanical Engineering and Production, working mainly on the following topics: performance analysis of manufacturing processes, analysis of organizational and technological performance of industrial plants, support to industrial decision making, sustainability in manufacturing processes and innovation management. Provided technological and organizational support to more than 80 companies.