A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a fundamental component of a smart factory and often massively simplifies its implementation. It lowers the system complexity, brings order to the mostly historically grown data overgrowth and is easier to administrate than a collection of individual software or even Excel tables with macros. However, the specification of the requirements for an MES and the selection of providers are often a major challenge, since it is usually located in the “no man's land” between IT, operations and industrial engineering and the relevance for the company's results is unclear.
In this one-day seminar you will learn what the typical functions of an MES are and how it can be used to easily implement central applications of a smart factory. Learn how you can structure a selection process for MES providers and which steps are necessary to compare the offers of the different manufacturers and to create transparency. Find out how you can reasonably justify the investment in IT operating costs and process optimization with the Smart Factory Use Cases.
Sprecher / Trainer / Coaches
Dr. Peter Stephan
Senior Partner & Co-Founder
PhD in Contextadaptive Automation, Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.)
Realization of Industrie 4.0 strategy and use-cases within logistics, production planning, maintenance and asset management
Leading of international Industrie 4.0 consulting projects in mechanical engineering, electronic and communication and defense industry
Development of digital product features and aligned business models focusing Smart Factory and Smart Products
Dept. Head R&D Field of “Cyber-Physical-Systems”, WITTENSTEIN SE
Team Leader “Information Management”, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)